History: The Pug is one of the oldest recognized breeds, dating back to 400 B.C. They were bred to be lap dogs for Chinese Royalty. Their forehead wrinkles were to resemble the Chinese word for “Prince”
Personality and Temperament: Perfectly summed up, pugs are Multum in Parvo: Latin for a lot in a little package. They are excellent family dogs and love being the center of attention. While their activity level is usually low to moderate, pugs cling to their humans and can be quite the clowns!
Physical: Black or fawn coats with brown eyes ONLY. Any other color combination is not recognized by the AKC and is not considered purebred. All CRPF members adhere to AKC standards and you will not find “designer” colors on this site. Typically fawns are double coated and will blow their undercoat about twice a year. Black pugs are single coated and therefore do not blow coat. The pug should weigh between 14-18 lbs, but more importantly they should be square and cobby. Pugs are allowed to be over the 18 lb limit as long as they are proportional. For the full illustrated standard click here.